Obsessive-Compulsive disease characterized by obsessions and compulsions. Obsession is an idea, a fantasy or encouragement recurrent, unwanted and disturbing, which seems silly, odd or scary. Compulsion is the urge or compulsion to do something that would alleviate the discomfort associated with obsessions.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD is a condition in which an individual is unable to control of thoughts became an obsession that was not expected and repeated several times certain acts in order to control the mind is to lower the level of anxiety. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder in which the individual's life is dominated by repetatif thoughts (obsessions) that is followed by repeated acts (compulsions) to reduce anxiety.
Patients with this disorder may have sought to combat these disturbing thoughts that arise repeatedly but unable to resist the urge to act over and over to make sure everything is fine.
The cause is unknown. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is not related to a characteristic shape one's personality, in individuals who have the personality obsessive-compulsive disorder tend to take pride in accuracy, neatness and attention to the little things, contrary to the obsessive-compulsive disorder, individuals feel pressured by the emergence of behavior can not be controlled. They feel embarrassed when these behaviors questioned by those who see it as doing the job that repeatedly. They are trying desperately to get rid of the habit.
Causes Obsessive Compulsive are:
Genetic - (Descendants). Those who have a family member who has a history of illness is likely at risk of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).
Organic Problems such as neurological problems occur section - a specific part of the brain is also a factor for OCD. Nerve disorders such as those caused by meningitis and encephalitis are also one of the causes of OCD.
Personality - Those who have an obsessive personality disorder is more likely to get OCD. The characteristics of those who have this personality is as outrageous concerned with aspects of hygiene, someone who is too obedient to the rules, talkative, hard work together and not easily succumb.
Past experience - past experience / past too easily mencorakkan way a person handles the problem of whom to show symptoms of OCD.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder closely related to a history of depression or anxiety before. Some symptoms of obsessive-compulsive patients often also shows
Conflict - Those who have this disorder usually face conflicts soul that comes from living matter. For example, the relationship between husband and wife, in the workplace, self-confidence.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder closely related to depression, or a history of previous anxiety. Some symptoms of obsessive-compulsive patients often also showed symptoms similar to depression. Obsessive behavior in depressed mothers tried many times or a desire to kill her baby.
Individuals at risk for obsessive-compulsive disorder is;
Individuals who experienced problems in the family of a broken home, errors or loss of childhood. (This theory is still considered to be weak but can still be taken into account)
Neurobilogi factors may include damage to the frontal lobe, the basal ganglia and cingulum.
Individuals who have high stress intensity
A history of anxiety disorders
Individuals who experience sexual harassment
Common obsessions can be anxiety about contamination, doubt, loss and assault. Sufferers feel compelled to perform rituals, namely repetitive actions, purposeful and intentional.
Most of the ritual can be seen directly, such as repeated hand washing or repeatedly checking the door to ensure that the door was locked. Other rituals are mental activities, such as counting or making repeated statements to eliminate the hazard.
Patients can be obsessed by all things and rituals are performed are not always logically associated with discomfort will be reduced if the patient runs the ritual. Patients who are concerned about pollution, discomfort is reduced if he put his hand into his pocket. Therefore, every obsession about contamination arise, he would repeatedly put his hand in his pocket.
Most people realize that his obsession does not reflect the real risks. They realize that the physical and mental perliku too much even tend odd.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder differs from disease psychosis, since the psychosis sufferer loses contact with reality. Patients fear of being humiliated so that they perform rituals in secret. Approximately one third of patients experience depression when his illness was diagnosed.
Symptoms are characterized by repetition (repetatif) thoughts and actions of at least 4 times to the compulsions of the day and lasts for 1 to 2 weeks later. Utam obsession-compulsive symptoms should meet the following criteria:
Behaviors and thoughts that arise are fully realized by individuals or based on impulse in itself. Individuals also realize that his behavior is not rational, but still made to reduce anxiety.
Some behaviors that appear realized by the individual and try to fight habits and thoughts of anxiety is hardest, but to no avail.
The thoughts and actions do not provide relief, a sense of satisfaction or pleasure, but rather is caused by excessive anxiety and reduce stress felt.
Obsessions and compulsions are repetitive nature constantly in several times each day.
CHARACTERISTICS obsessive compulsive
Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is characterized by repetition of thoughts and actions at least 4 times to the compulsions of the day and lasts for 1 to 2 weeks later. The main obsession-compulsive symptoms should meet the following criteria:
Behaviors and thoughts that arise are fully realized by individuals or based on impulse in itself. Individuals also realize that his behavior is not rational, but still made to reduce anxiety.
Some behaviors that appear realized by individuals and tried to fight the habits and thoughts of anxiety is hardest, but to no avail.
The thoughts and actions do not provide relief, a sense of satisfaction or pleasure, but rather is caused by excessive anxiety and reduce stress felt.
Obsessions (thoughts) and compulsions (behaviors) of its repeated continuously in a couple of times each day.
Obsessions and compulsions causing the pressure inside the patient and spend time (more than one hour a day), or significantly interfere with a person's normal functioning, or social activities or relationships with others.
Sufferers feel compelled to perform rituals, namely repetitive actions such as hand washing and checking for a particular purpose.
Cleaning or washing hands
Check or check
Collect or hoard goods
Count or repeat thoughts that always appears (obsessive)
Fear of contamination disease
Fear of harming others
Fear of being wrong
Fear of being impolite
Need accuracy or symmetry
Confused or excessive doubts.
Repeating count many times (to worry about errors on the order of numbers)
Individuals who have obsessive-compulsive disorder sometimes have the mind intrusive without action repetatif clear but most patients showed compulsive behavior as an advanced form of negative thoughts before appearing repeatedly, such as fear infected with the bacteria, people with obsessive-compulsive disorder often wash hand (washer) and other common behaviors as above
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